Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2013

Google Drive Monitor

Google App script which monitors Google Drive for new files and sends email with changes.

Runs as standalone script. Also offers a GUI to configure the recursion level (how many directory levels to scan) and the maximum age of the files to list.

In case of shared files and directories and teams where different members can edit files it is helpful to be up to date on what has changed.

Stores defaults in UserProperties. Sends email with result to email address of user (Session.getUser().getEmail()).

Google Drive Monitor source at github.

GUI of the Google Drive Monitor in case deployed as webapp.

Freitag, 12. Februar 2010

Olympics @ Vancouver 2010 News, Maps and Pictures Gadget

The Olympics @ Vancouver News gadget shows latest Google News, Pictures from flickr as well as satellite images from the Olympic games in Vancouver. Clicking on the legend toggles the visibility of the different news, pictures and maps views. Clicking on the flickr image brings you to the image page at flickr:

Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2010

Gadget: Haiti News, Pictures and Satellite Images

The Haiti News gadget shows latest Google News, Pictures from flickr as well as satellite images from Haiti. Clicking on the legend toggles the visibility of the different news, pictures and maps views. Clicking on the flickr image brings you to the image page at flickr:

Livestream Video Gadget

Our livestream video gadget enables you to stream videos from livestream into your Google homepage or any website. You can configure the stream and also blend in the associated twitter channel:

You can find livestream channel listings at

Sonntag, 27. April 2008

Greasemonkey: Translation for GMail Content

Adds a button to translate the latest entry in a conversation. The result is displayed in an overlay.

You can configure the target language based on the available translation matrix offered by Google as well was other parameters.

The source can be downloaded at Translation for GMail Content (Greasemonkey User Script) or

Update Feb 2010: This is now obsolete as Google has added similar functionality in GMail.

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2007

Greasemonkey: Google Adsense Autologin V1.1

The rewrite of the Google Adsense Autologin script for Greasemonkey is at Now the script also reloads the Google Adsense page to prevent auto-logout.

Sonntag, 26. August 2007

iGoogle: RSS Reader+

Our iGoogle RSS Reader+ offers some additional features like easy control of the font size, setting the title and number of items. Please let us know if you have further functionality you would like to see.